As a leading personalized health solution provider, we, at, have made it our goal to help as many people as possible improve their health. Based on our specialized urine analysis method, we can find the root cause behind a disorder.
By believing in the power of collaboration, we have successfully completed over 25,000 urine analyses in the last 11 years. We could not have done this without the practitioners around the world who have personally experienced what our natural detox and formulas have done for their patients.
We are happy to be in touch with any professional looking for the best possible natural solution for their patients, although it is of utmost importance that they approach health solutions the same way in order to optimally help every individual.
The first step is to send us an email with a short description of your activities and the request for an online introductory meeting. During this introduction conversation, we will explain, in 15 minutes, what our plant-based formulas can do for you and your practice. We would be happy to answer all of your questions during this conversation.
Some of the chronic conditions/symptoms we diagnose are: Abdominal pain, Acne and Panniculitis, ADHD, Alzheimer's disease, Anxiety/panic attacks, Asthma, Autism, Autoimmune disorders, Bleeding gums, Body Temperature fluctuations, Bone decalcification, Bruising (regularly), Cardiac arrhythmias, Chronic fatigue, Cold limbs, Coughing, Crone, Dementia, Diabetes type 1, Diabetes type 2, Diarrhea, Digestive disturbances, Dizziness, Hay fever (allergies), Headache (Migraine), High blood pressure, Hormonal imbalance, Inflammation, Insomnia, Lo-Co, Loss of sensation in limbs, Lyme, ME/CFS (extreme fatigue), Miscarriage, Mood disorders, Muscle and joint pains, Nasal congestion, Nausea, Nosebleeds, Overweight, Overworked/burnout, Pain, Paralysis symptoms, Parkinson's, Period issues, Rheumatism, Runny nose, Shortness of breath, Skin irritation, Stiffness, Swelling and Sweating (excessive), Tropical disorders, Vision-loss, Vomiting.
• Please contact us if a condition, you are looking for, isn't listed in the overview above.
Don’t hesitate to contact us. Start restoring your health today!