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Disclaimer and variation in regulations

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The information on this website is intended to be informative. The writing is a summary in broad terms in ‘spoken language'. You can choose do your own research into the subject that fits your health question and the desired treatment method. An important source of information will be your practitioner. They specialize in the medicine that is part of your country’s regular system.

Regulations viewed from the customer's perspective
Regulations vary greatly from country to country.

Essentially, every country has local rules to which practitioners (doctors, therapists and researchers) must comply.

In Western countries, within the health system, the rules and regulations are aimed towards stabilizing symptoms practices.

In Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Russia and South America, natural treatment with its plant-based formulas, medicines and practical approach has been incorporated into the health system.

In our view, the symptom stabilization approach of modern/western medicine and the solution-oriented approach of natural medicine can work well together.

The health improvement of the customer is of paramount importance at NaturalMedicine.ge.
We, a team of practitioners (doctors, therapists and researchers), take this as a starting point with everything we do.

The practitioners at NaturalMedicine.ge carry out all the urine analysis, natural detox and plant-based treatment formulas within the regulation of Georgia (Asia).

Decreased effect
Botanical Medicines do not work in combination with narcotics. Narcotics are promoted on the internet as medicinal. Practice shows that they have a strong negative effect on the natural cell renewal process.


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