Why detoxification is needed
Periodic Detoxification of the body has been practiced naturally for centuries. In ancient times, for example, detoxing was realized through a prolonged period of fasting
In the present time, due to all the chemicals and (heavy) metals in the environment and our food, a new form of 'chemical detox' has emerged.
The form of personalized detox that we offer focuses on cleaning/detoxifying chemicals and (heavy) metals that have a negative effect on the functioning of the immune system, which therefore reduce general health.
This natural form contributes to the reduction of unwanted discomforts and symptoms that people have.
Detoxification will clean the body of excess substances such as: aluminum, amalgam, lead, cadmium, calcium, chromium, iron, potassium, copper, magnesium, manganese, sodium, nickel, antimony, zinc, mercury, cadmium chloride, mercury dichloride, lead chromate and plastics.
Symptoms that may be related to chemical substances and (heavy) metals include:
fatigue/burnout, concentration problems, high blood pressure, insomnia, hormonal complaints, skin problems, muscle pain, intestinal complaints/intestinal inflammation, osteoporosis, energy fluctuations, reduction of stamina and condition, balance disturbance, migraine, vision impairment, hearing impairment, headaches, behavioral problems, autism, skin disorders including neurodermatitis, obesity and various forms of cancer.
It is known that chemical substances and (heavy) metals spread through the entire body. As a result, these substances are found in the blood, tissues, organs, brain, lymph, kidneys, bones and joints.
Our natural detox binds chemicals and (heavy) metals in the body in such a way that it tells the kidneys that these substances should leave the body. This allows part of these (toxic) substances to leave your body every time you go to the toilet for a urine stop.
This natural process takes six months to remove all chemical substances and (heavy) metals stored in the cells, organs, brains, bones and joints from the body and to restore the natural cell balance.
Don’t hesitate to contact us. Start restoring your health today!