Ancient physicians looked at urine as a window to the body’s inner workings and reflected different diseases. These techniques have been insistently used and improved for several thousand years, showing how it remains to be an incredible way to obtain crucial information for diagnostic purposes.
Our specialized/unique urine analysis is aimed at investigating substances and inflammatory causes (on a microscopic level) that are filtered out of the blood and lymphatic fluid by the kidneys. These substances, such as chemicals, (heavy) metals and other inflammatory factors, give a clear indication of the load on your body cells and your cell renewal process, which affects your general health.
The reason we are examining your morning urine is that the urine accumulated overnight in the bladder is more concentrated and therefore provides a clearer insight into the chemicals, (heavy) metals and other inflammatory factors that are harmful to your cell renewal process and therefore your general health.
After we have received the urine analysis set with your morning urine, we will carry out the analysis. Based on your request to receive a natural detox and/or plant-based treatment formula, the doctor determines which formula best suits your personal situation.
This natural detox and/or plant-based treatment formula will then be sent to you.
Don’t hesitate to contact us. Start restoring your health today!