The modern and ancient views on the subject of health, symptoms and treatments are fundamentally different. While natural and plant-based medicine looks at the cause of the complaint, Western medicine focuses on stabilizing only the symptoms.
As is always the case, prevention is better than having to take corrective action afterwards. Vitality is highest in a clean body where the immune system can do its job properly.
In the words of the Greek physician Hippocrates, the "Father of Medicine":
"Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food".
Worldwide, more than 350,000 chemical compounds (including mixtures of chemicals) are registered for production and use. Many of these chemicals, as well as (heavy) metals and other substances, can cause damage to body cell, which lead to inflammation. Without knowing which of these chemical substances are causing unwanted health complaints, any standard ‘detox product’ cannot truly cleanse the body.
In addition, there are thousands of different combinations of infection agents throughout the body that, as the underlying root cause, produce a range of symptoms and problems. Without knowing which of these combinations of infection agents are causing unwanted health complaints, any standard ‘product’ cannot truly solve the underlying root cause.
With our specialized urine analysis, we are able to create a clear picture of all these inflammatory-causing substances that are present in your body. We investigate and diagnose the cause behind a condition of a physical and mental nature from epi-genetics and cell renewal principles.
Our expert team will then put together a personalized formula that is specifically composed for your health needs.
In the table below we will give you a look into some of the many symptom terms that modern medicine has created and the view natural and plant-based medicine has on these. Please contact us if a condition, including it's natural view, you are looking for, isn't listed in the table below.
Modern/Natural | : | Description |
Modern name | : | Abdominal pain (regularly) |
Natural view | : | The percentage of inflammation in the intestines/abdominal area is too high, causing pain. This can also lead to food allergies and a leaky gut in some situations. |
Modern name | : | Acne and Panniculitis |
Natural view | : | An excessively high percentage of chemicals and (heavy) metals in combination with inflammation under the skin. The immune system tries to remove the causes of inflammation and drain them through the skin. |
Modern name | : | ADHD |
Natural view | : | An excessively high percentage of chemical substances and (heavy) metals, as a result of which the communication between body cells is too high. The cells in the brain and body are then overactive, making rest, concentration and focus a challenge. |
Modern name | : | Alzheimer |
Natural view | : | A disturbance in the life energy that originated from digestion and metabolism. The brain and nervous system don’t have enough nutrition, which disrupts cell renewal and makes communication to the memory segments in the brain difficult or no longer possible. |
Modern name | : | Anxiety/panic attacks |
Natural view | : | An excessively high percentage of chemical substances and (heavy) metals, as a result of which the communication between body cells is too high with too little rest. Overseeing, reflection, calmness and solution-oriented thinking become a challenge. |
Modern name | : | Asthma |
Natural view | : | Causes of inflammation in the lungs that negatively affect lung function. The level of inflammation in the lungs largely determines the intensity of this condition. |
Modern name | : | Autism |
Natural view | : | A high percentage of chemical substances and (heavy) metals, limiting 'out of the box' thinking. |
Modern name | : | Autoimmune disturbances |
Natural view | : | Various inflammatory triggers that make the immune system hyperactive. As a result, the immune system cannot sufficiently perform its repair function and cannot realize good cell renewal. The immune system then starts to fight against itself. |
Modern name | : | Bleeding gums (regularly) |
Natural view | : | A high percentage of chemical substances and (heavy) metals causing imbalances in mineral and vitamin ratios. Inflammatory causes then cause small inflammations/bleeding in the gums. |
Modern name | : | Bone decalcification |
Natural view | : | A high percentage of chemicals and (heavy) metals causing an imbalance in the calcium-magnesium metabolism. The body can then not add enough calcium to the bones. |
Modern name | : | Bruising regularly |
Natural view | : | Imbalance between the blood circulation and the lymphatic system. This increases the pressure on the veins, which causes the veins and capillaries to come to the surface of the skin. In a number of situations the pressure is too high and subcutaneous bleeding occurs. |
Modern name | : | Cardiac arrhythmia |
Natural view | : | Cardiac arrhythmias are due to an imbalance in blood circulation in the heart and veins. Several causal directions are possible. A common cause is an excessive load of chemicals, (heavy) metals and inflammatory causes, which causes the body chemistry to become unbalanced. |
Modern name | : | Chronic fatigue |
Natural view | : | The percentage of inflammatory causes is too high, so that the immune system needs a lot of life energy to take care of all its tasks. As a result, there is not enough life energy left for other (fun) activities. |
Modern name | : | Cold limbs (hands, feet, body) |
Natural view | : | Basically, the blood system provides the life energy needed to heat the body. When the life energy is too low or when the capillaries don't let enough blood through, the body cannot warm itself adequately. This condition has several combinations of causes that require a personalized approach. |
Modern name | : | Coughing (regularly) |
Natural view | : | The respiratory system is one of the most important feeding and cleansing systems. It feeds our body with oxygen and cleanses our body during exhalation. Coughing is a signal that there is an imbalance in the respiratory system, which in many situations is caused by an inflammatory agent. The body then tries to get this culprit out by coughing. |
Modern name | : | Crone (digestive inflammation) |
Natural view | : | Inflammation in the intestines and digestive organs, which puts too much strain on the intestines when digesting food. |
Modern name | : | Dementia |
Natural view | : | A disturbance in the life energy that originated from digestion and metabolism. The brain and nervous system don’t receive enough nutrition, which therefore disrupts cell renewal and makes communication to the memory parts of the body difficult. Only memories from a long time ago are still accessible for most people with this condition. This results in confusion when communicating with the outside world. |
Modern name | : | Diabetes type 1 |
Natural view | : | Distortions in the digestive system, which results in insufficient or no insulin production. In many situations, there is a disturbance in the metabolism, the bio-flora and an excessive inflammatory load. |
Modern name | : | Diabetes type 2 |
Natural view | : | Disturbances in the blood system and digestive system that prevent insulin from being distributed adequately. |
Modern name | : | Diarrhea (frequently) |
Natural view | : | A signal from the immune system and the body that inflammatory agents and 'toxins' must be removed. There are several possible causes such as food poisoning, high levels of chemicals and (heavy) metals, parasites, tropical diseases and more. |
Modern name | : | Digestive disturbances |
Natural view | : | Inflammation in the stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver and bile that negatively affects digestion. |
Modern name | : | Dizziness |
Natural view | : | A disturbance in body chemistry that causes the body and balance-capabilities to be out of balance. Due to an imbalance in blood circulation and blood composition, the brain does not have enough energy (temporarily) and is unbalanced. If dizziness and headaches occur regularly, a combination of chemical substances (heavy) metals and inflammatory agents is a probable cause. |
Modern name | : | Hay fever (allergies) |
Natural view | : | Basically, an allergy is a signal from the body that one or more substances are undesirable. The immune system then indicates that there are already too many of these substances in the body. The new substances that enter the body would then make it react in different ways (allergies). |
Modern name | : | Headache (Migraine) |
Natural view | : | Body chemistry is controlled from the center of the brain. When there is an imbalance in the body, it causes a hormonal imbalance. With regular headaches (migraines), this imbalance is triggered by an infectious agent that causes inflammation in the chemical control center. |
Modern name | : | High bloodpressure |
Natural view | : | An imbalance in the blood system causes high blood pressure. The muscles of the heart, together with the veins, ensure the flow of blood circulation. When the veins or heart lose their pumping function, an imbalance occurs with the result that blood pressure rises. In a number of situations there is an interaction in which there are veins that restrict the flow, due to ‘accumulated fats’, that forces the heart to ‘pump’ harder to continue to circulate blood.Additional comment: Where previously a blood pressure upper value of over 160 was a reason for practitioners to talk to their patient/client about healthy nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, Western medicine now prescribes blood pressure pills to stabilize the symptoms once a patient hits values of 140 and above. All efforts to solve this through healthy food have been removed from Western protocols. |
Modern name | : | Hormonal imbalance |
Natural view | : | Our hormone levels function just like the signal lights on the dashboard in a car. The hormonal disturbance signal causes a red light on the dashboard to appear. This is a sign that there is a disturbance in the body. Although a number of variants are possible here, the most common is a combination of chemicals and infection agents that are the underlying reason for the hormonal imbalance and "red light" to appear. |
Modern name | : | Inflammations (regularly) |
Natural view | : | Regular inflammation indicates that the body cells are susceptible to inflammatory agents. The immune system is then busy resolving the inflammatory damage to the body cells. In many situations, an excessive load of chemical substances and (heavy) metals is the basis of the weakened body cells. |
Modern name | : | Insomnia |
Natural view | : | Insomnia has a number of variants. From light sleep, waking up frequently to no sleep at all. In the natural view this is seen as an imbalance in the body's chemical processes. As a result, the brain does not produce enough deep sleep hormones. It could also be caused by an imbalance in the metabolic system that prevents the deep sleep hormones from entering the brain. |
Modern name | : | Lo-Co (condition that has been given a name since 2020) |
Natural view | : | A combination of different life energy disturbances at the same time. The most common forms are: shortness of breath, fatigue, loss of concentration and muscle & nerve disturbances. An excessive load of inflammatory agents causes these separate conditions to be diagnosed together as one symptom. The burden of chemical substances and (heavy) metals is often the reason why the recovery of life energy is difficult. |
Modern name | : | Loss of sensation in limbs |
Natural view | : | From a natural point of view, there are a number of different causal reasons. The most common is a combination of chemicals and (heavy) metals that disrupt communication and infection agents that cause loss of sensation. |
Modern name | : | Lyme |
Natural view | : | Lyme is considered to be a 'silent killer'. The longer this inflammatory agent causes damage to cells, brain and nervous system in the body, the more complicated it becomes to solve the cause and healthy cell renewal. The life energy and communication between the cells in the body and the brain decreases as the damage increases. The natural view is to remove the source of inflammation and support healthy cell renewal. |
Modern name | : | ME/CFS (overfatigue) |
Natural view | : | The natural view is that the load on cell renewal is too high, so that the life energy must mainly be spent on the immune system functions. An excess of inflammatory causes means that healthy cell renewal cannot be achieved sufficiently, which causes ME/CFS. |
Modern name | : | Miscarriage (regularly) |
Natural view | : | A disturbance in the life energy leads to a lack of nutrition given to the ovum, embryo and fetus, which means the body would have no choice but to interrupt the growth process. A common cause is a high concentration of chemical substances (heavy metals) and inflammatory agents. This can come from one of the parents or both. |
Modern name | : | Mood disorders |
Natural view | : | An imbalance in hormonal metabolism, causing mood swings and life energy fluctuations. |
Modern name | : | Morning fatigue |
Natural view | : | An imbalance in the brain that prevents the immune system from repairing the body adequately during sleeping hours. The most common reason is an excessive percentage of infection agents. Many young people have this condition, which makes getting up early a difficult process. |
Modern name | : | Muscle and joint pain |
Natural view | : | The body chemistry isn’t balanced, causing infection agents to damage the body cells. The body then sends a pain signal to the brain as a protective mechanism. |
Modern name | : | Nausea (regularly) |
Natural view | : | An imbalance in the digestive system that causes the body to signal "nausea". In a number of situations, stress makes this a regularly recurring condition. |
Modern name | : | Nosebleeds regularly |
Natural view | : | An imbalance in blood flow that causes the pressure on the veins and capillaries to become too high. Inflammatory agents then cause inflammation in the nose (throat-nose cavities) and weaken the veins. In a number of situations there aren’t enough red blood cells in the blood, so that the leak in the veins closes slowly. |
Modern name | : | Overweight and Obesity |
Overweight and Obesity | : | There are several possible reasons for being overweight and obesity. The most common variants are listed below. A. An excessively high percentage of chemicals and (heavy) metals causing the body to retain fats. B. Inflammatory agents that reduce digestive and metabolic functions, so that the body's reserves cannot be used. C. An incomplete intestinal flora that prevents digestion and metabolic functions from being performed adequately. D. Consuming more nutrients than the body needs, causing sugars and fats to accumulate in the body. |
Modern name | : | Overwrought/burnout |
Natural view | : | A high percentage of chemical substances and (heavy) metals, limiting 'out of the box' thinking. Additionally, a high percentage of inflammatory causes that leads to mental and/or physical fatigue. |
Modern name | : | Pain |
Natural view | : | Basically, pain is a signal from the body to the brain that there is inflammation, entrapment or damage. |
Modern name | : | Paralysis symptoms |
Natural view | : | A disturbance in body chemistry and life energy. The most common cause is a combination of chemicals, (heavy) metals and inflammatory agents that affect muscle strength, muscle tension, coordination and motor skills. |
Modern name | : | Parkinson's |
Natural view | : | A disturbance in the life energy that originated from digestion and metabolism. The brain and nervous system do not have enough nutrients, which disrupts cell renewal. The infection agents can then damage body cells, causing a motor disturbance. |
Modern name | : | Period (irregular) |
Natural view | : | The hormonal system that regulates the cycles is a very precise regulation system and sensitive to a number of influences from body signals. Chemical substances, (heavy) metals and inflammatory agents have a direct effect on these menstrual cycles. |
Modern name | : | Rheumatism |
Natural view | : | This disturbance has a number of reasons that occur in most people with rheumatism. The most common cause is an excessive amount of chemicals and (heavy) metals in the joints and bones. This creates an imbalance in the calcium-magnesium metabolism, which allows infection agents to cause damage. In a number of causal combinations, this causes deformities. |
Modern name | : | Runny nose (regularly) |
Natural view | : | A runny nose is a signal that something needs to get out of the body. This is often a combination of excessive chemical substances and (heavy) metals, causing infection agents to damage the body cells in the respiratory system. In a number of situations, a runny nose heralds asthma-like conditions. |
Modern name | : | Short of breath |
Natural view | : | A disturbance in the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the blood system and carbon from the blood system to the lungs. By breathing faster, the body tries to regulate the oxygen-carbon balance. This disruption has several causes in which healthy cell renewal is necessary for recovery. |
Modern name | : | Skin irritation |
Natural view | : | The skin is the largest organ and protects the body against intruders and external damage. Like any organ, the skin also communicates with us. When the metabolic processes are out of balance or an inflammatory agent is present under the skin, our skin organ tries to remove it through the skin. When the skin is then sealed with ointment, the symptom disappears for a while, but the substances under the skin remain present and, in many situations, accumulate. |
Modern name | : | Stiffness and cramps |
Natural view | : | An imbalance in calcium-magnesium metabolism that prevents the body from supplying enough nutrients to the muscles and joints. Infection agents can then damage body cells, which results in stiffness and cramps. This can lead to a reduction of vitality and flexibility. |
Modern name | : | Stuffy nose (regularly) |
Natural view | : | A disturbance in the metabolic system that prevents the immune system from protecting the airways adequately. As a result, infection agents can damage the cells in the respiratory system |
Modern name | : | Swelling (limbs and joints) |
Natural view | : | Basically, moisture has a protective function in joints. Temporary swelling usually occurs after a hit. In most situations, permanent swelling is caused by inflammation in the limbs and joints. |
Modern name | : | Tropical disorders (during and after a visit to tropical countries) There are different types of tropical diseases, such as: yellow fever, malaria, dengue, hepatitis, zika, cholera, chikungunya and intestinal worms. |
Natural view | : | Basically, tropical diseases are inflammation-related diseases. |
Modern name | : | Vision-loss |
Natural view | : | An inflammation-related condition, where prevention is better than having to cure it afterwards. There are several causative reasons for vision-loss. Inflammation is the most common. In a number of situations, the chemical-ingredients in chemical-based medication can cause this side effect. |
Modern name | : | Vomiting (regularly) |
Natural view | : | Vomiting is a signal from the body that there is too much of something inside, and that it needs to be removed immediately. There is often a inflammation in the digestive system. |
Don’t hesitate to contact us. Start restoring your health today!