Learn more about the story of Jan; a tennis and mountain bike lover who was given a ‘new’ knee and developed intense pain complaints after. Thinking he could never play tennis again, his friend steered him into the direction of NaturalMedicine.ge
In 2013, I was given a ‘new’ knee because it was ‘worn out’. The procedure seemed to have been successful but after 9 months I developed pain complaints.
Without any obvious reasons to why, my knee kept swelling up and I developed allergic reactions. It would fill up with blood and fluids around twice a week, which would cause such tension that I was not able to walk without crutches anymore due to the pain.
The orthopaedic surgeon who had performed the surgery on me could not find the cause of my complaints and indicated that there was nothing else he could do for me. A friend I used to play tennis with before my operation steered me into the direction of NaturalMedicine.ge.
The urine analyse showed that the concentration of metals in my blood was too high, which came from my artificial knee. Besides, I had a virus in my lower leg. Together, these caused allergic reactions and inflammations in my body.
It was remarkable that the urine analysis was also able to indicate the cause of the ‘wearing out’ of my joints. It turned out that my calcium-magnesium metabolism was unbalanced. Because of this imbalance in my body, one knee could not repair fast enough.
Compared to NaturalMedicine’s remarkable analysis, the medical diagnose I received before was that the knee was ‘worn out’ and the solution would be to get a new one.
NaturalMedicine.ge has helped me by:
• Sending me a personalized formula which allowed my immune system to remove the virus from my lower leg
• Sending me a personalized natural detox which made it possible to remove the high dose of metal from my blood and tissues. This stopped all the allergic reactions
• Giving me nutritional advice that allowed my body to recuperate faster after having participated in tennis and cycling. This allows me to prevent my other joints from ‘wearing out’ unnecessarily.
A few months after the treatment, I participated in my first tennis and mountain bike competition again.
I am glad that I can enjoy many rounds of pain-free tennis and easily cycle 100 kilometres (62 miles) again!
Thank you so much and with kind regards,
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