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After having worked at a hospital for many years, I finally discovered what it’s like to be a patient.

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling extremely dizzy and not being able to hear or see anything for about 15 minutes. My colleague, from a renowned hospital in Europe, sent me home with a mental burn-out diagnosis. I always thought that was quite an odd conclusion, as I had no reason to be burned out. I just moved in with the love of my life and had a very exciting and challenging job at the hospital.

After 9 tough months of therapies, examinations, physiotherapy, MRI-scans and medication I was still sick at home. Allow me to explain in a bit more detail what these 9 months were like.

After the incident of waking up feeling dizzy, the family physician diagnosed me with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) and said it would pass within a few weeks. A few weeks later there was still no change, and I was then sent to the ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT physician) who ascertained an infection of the organ of balance. Doing certain exercises should take care of it in about six weeks they said.

The exercises made no difference and an MRI scan was made; no abnormalities were found, so visiting a neurologist was our next step. I couldn’t stand on my legs for a while after the MRI scan. The neurologist and my other colleagues did not understand why this happened.

Now they said my problem was the organ of balance and they not could do anything about that, hopefully it would get better with time and rest.

My complaints were so profound that I could do close to nothing. Standing up too long made me feel like fainting; I felt like I was walking on clouds and I staggered after the slightest exertion. My body felt as if I was being electrocuted, I was nauseous and I had an awful feeling in my head.

Their next conclusion was that I must be going through a mental burnout, but, even though a lot had changed in a short time, it certainly did not feel like a mental burnout. The hopelessness made me sad, but certainly not depressed.

As it became clearer and clearer that my colleagues at the hospital could not find any solutions to fix my health issue, I decided to ask around for other options. It is not easy to admit, but I have now personally experienced that doctors have no solution to any of your issues if they can’t find anything through regular blood tests and other scans. My father’s close friend told me about NaturalMedicine.ge.

They did a urine analysis and the result of the scan was surprising. The underlying cause for my symptoms was a high dose of lead and mercury in my body, combined with a number of viruses and bacteria. My colleagues never thought of doing any research towards this direction, so we had no idea.

I have 11 amalgam fillings and 2 golden crowns in my teeth. Also, two years earlier, I moved into a house that is 110 years old where, as it turned out later, there were lead pipes for the waterworks.

These two metals started to ‘pile up’ at the location where my organ of balance is located. The heavy metals cause an interference in the electro-magnetic field of the nervous tracks and the brain. My colleagues had noticed the symptoms, but did not understand the underlying cause.

Not only was everything finally explained to me clearly and professionally by the specialists at Natural Medicine, it felt great that someone finally understood me and took me seriously. They explained to me why I had trouble staying in balance and concentration, and why I also wasn’t able to stand on my legs after the MRI scan. Moreover, they had full faith that everything would be okay and fixed, which was something I really needed to hear.

I received the advice to have the lead pipes in the house replaced and to have my teeth checked by somebody that could measure if the amalgam was leaking.

After the urine analysis was complete, I received the personalized plant-based formula together with a natural detox to remove the heavy metals from my body. My body reacted quite strongly to the detoxification, so it didn’t go without any ups and downs.

Thanks to the thorough guidance via email and the explanation of what was happening in my body, I successfully recovered within 6 months.

Once I started the treatment, I was soon able to slowly continue working again. At first, I worked two days in the week, which later changed to three days. This showed me and my colleagues that I was on the right track. After a few months, I was working fulltime again.

I have now personally experienced the difference between standardized medical examinations & treatments at the hospital and those of NaturalMedicine.ge.

The personalized formula is developed specifically for your health situation, treating the cause of the symptoms, while standardized medical examinations follow standardized norms and values.

My advice to my colleagues and other medical professionals is to utilize client-specific treatments with chronic and complex symptoms/illnesses. I have personally experienced what a world of difference this makes.

From the bottom of my heart; thank you!


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