Learn more about how a 47-year-old who was diagnosed with an ‘auto immune problem’ was finally able to live a life free of illness and symptoms. This is her story of how she went from dealing with flu-like symptoms once every few months for as long as she remembers to living a life free of sickness thanks to the power of our personalized formulas and nutritional advice.
I am currently 47 years old and I had been sick for as long as I can remember. On average, I was getting sick once every three months. The most common types of symptoms that I experienced were cold sores, fever, perspiring, inflammations (sinuses, throat and ear), shingles, diarrhoea, tiredness, hay fever and other flu-like symptoms. I never understood why as I lived a healthy life outside the city surrounded by nature.
I had seen many physicians, specialists and therapists, but without much result. The repeated diagnosis I received was that I’m dealing with an ‘auto immune problem'.
Thanks to the Natural Medicine team, I was finally able to clean up something that had been bothering me for many years. My life is now free of flu and sinus infections, and my energy levels are better than ever before!
A number of years ago a friend told me about a personalized treatment that he received from the Natural Medicine team, so after finally having had enough of feeling bad all the time, I decided to contact them.
I sent a urine sample and answered some health-related questions. These answers, together with the urine analysis, provided a clear picture of what was truly causing my symptoms to continuously reappear.
It turned out to be a combination of a number of viruses, bacteria and (agricultural) poisons. I had no idea that working with certain agricultural products could affect my health like that.
My personalized formula was geared towards the strengthening of my immune system in order to be able to get rid of the active viruses and bacteria. Additionally, the natural detox I received binds the heavy metals and poisons and carries them away out of my body. I also received a nutrition guide in order to make better food choices. It is truly remarkable that they have these natural solutions to auto immune diseases.
My six-month treatment consisted of a number of phases:
• I received both the personalized formula and natural detox in one package, which I would both take on a daily basis
• The first step cleaned the blood from chemicals, metals and infection agents. My energy levels increased on a weekly basis during this step.Sending me a personalized natural detox which made it possible to remove the high dose of metal from my blood and tissues. This stopped all the allergic reactions
• The second step cleaned my organs and tissues. This improved my mood and general health a lot!
• The third step cleaned my lymph nodes to ensure the infection agents and other substances are cleaned out.
In addition, their nutritional advice guided me in making better food choices. Their clear guidelines helped me pick the best types of food and preparing techniques to optimize my health. I contacted their expert team for support questions twice and received helpful information.
In the first treatment month, I noticed that, during week one, I needed to sleep around two hours more every night. It seemed clear that my immune system was working overtime in order to make my body healthy again. The clear guidelines and food options included in the nutrition document helped me to completely adjust my diet as well.
After about five months I noticed that my body had completely recovered. No illnesses, no symptoms, no feeling down… nothing! My body was even put to a test as we were going through a flu season at that moment. Many of my colleagues were having a hard time and I felt nothing!
At this moment, I only choose to consume food ingredients that support my immune system, not make it work harder than necessary. Honestly, I thought it would be tough to stop eating the foods I was so addicted to, but it was easier than expected!
Throughout my treatment period, my practitioner supported me and gave me some additional nutritional advice. I’ve lost weight, my dry hair has become softer and I feel much cleaner all the time!
I am very positive about the treatments and the personalized formula natural detox that the people at Natural Medicine provided.
The only regret I have is not starting this sooner. I have never been able to achieve this level of success before. If you are looking for a personal treatment that can cure your auto immune issues, then I would recommend contacting the wonderful folks at Natural Medicine. They have completely changed my life, and I know they can change yours as well!
Thank you so much!
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