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Unwanted effects from injections

Unwanted effects from injections can cause health issues that people never experienced before. This blog article will cover Anna’s story; one of the many wonderful individuals that we made the natural detox and personalized formulas for.

Thanks to NaturalMedicine.ge, Anna’s irregular, heavy and painful periods and terrible skin reaction are solved.
I am a 31-year-old woman who, since the moment I had my first period, proudly told all my friends that I never had any issues; I was never a day late, was never in any pain, never experienced heavy bleeding or had to adjust my schedule/daily life due to this. I always worked out quite a lot but never really paid much attention to my diet or lifestyle. I considered myself rather lucky, especially compared to what other women had to go through on a monthly basis.

This all changed around 2020 when the world was told that a dangerous c-virus came along. I was told by the government and everyone around me that the injection was needed to protect me and all my loved ones around me, and that I would be selfish not to take it.

Then, a few weeks after my second injection, some things changed in my body.
I suddenly started having irregular, heavy and painful periods. At first I thought I was pregnant, because why else would I be a few days late? The pain was a unique experience for me (even before the bleeding started), so pregnancy seemed to be the only obvious reason. To my surprise, several pregnancy tests made it clear that I am not pregnant and I started bleeding not long afterwards.

The pain was not the only change that occurred. My skin reacted terribly as well. I never had this many pimples in the past, even when I went through puberty. How could all of this happen? Everyone around me told me that this is part of getting older, but I did not believe this at all. The only obvious connection to all these new problems was the injection, but saying that out loud caused a lot of anger; I was being called selfish.

I didn’t know what to do. Was I the only one? Did something else happen? I started talking to as many female friends as I could and shockingly enough, many of them experienced the same. Plenty of them did not believe that the injection had any connection to it, but I knew enough.

I went to my family doctor and explained everything to him, hoping that he would be the one to truly understand my situation, as he is the expert in our health regulated system. According to him it is simply impossible for this injection to cause such problems. He wanted to give me antibiotics to fight off the inflammation in my face, but I refused. He was impatient, constantly cut me off and did not believe anything I said. I knew I needed to find an alternative solution, as this was not going to fix my problems at all.

After doing intense online research, I found a group of women dealing with the exact same issues. One of them told me to check NaturalMedicine.ge, as they had helped her enormously. I remember at that time she was in the 3rd month of her treatment and her cycle was regular again, just like before.

Once the urine analysis was complete, the expert team told me that my period issues were indeed caused by the injection (I always knew it!!). Besides, which I did not expect, my skin issues were due to an excess of parasites in my gut and liver because of all the raw fish in consumed in the past.

Because of the natural detox and personalized plant-based formula I started taking, my period is back as it should be! It took around 2-3 months for it to go back to normal and the pain had gotten less month after month. Finally! My period is regular and free of pain again! And my skin looks very good and I feel pretty again.

I would like to add that this improvement is also party thanks to the nutritional guide that was in the formula package. I now consume an herb and spice drink every morning for a perfect start of the day.

I can now offer my friends, who are dealing with the same issue, a perfect solution!

A thousand thanks!



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