We offer Georgia and worldwide delivery.
Shipping costs and rates depends on the country you are located in. We ship by standard airmail. This can be done by regular mail and express mail. The rates we charge are equal to the amount we have to pay for the delivery.Looking back at the last 11 years, we are thankful for all the people that trusted us with their health.
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Learn more about the story of Anna; Unwanted effects from injections can cause health issues that people never experienced before. This blog article will cover Anna’s story; one of the many wonderful individuals that we made the Natural Detox and Personalized Formula for.
Learn more about how the parents from Leonie deal with the CHARGE-Syndrome: "Of course, it is not a miracle - is the result of a hard-working team who are passionate about natural medicines and cures, and they are very motivated to help everyone around them, who seem to have lost hope."
Learn more about the story of Jan; a tennis and mountain bike lover who was given a ‘new’ knee and developed intense pain complaints after. Thinking he could never play tennis and cycling again, his friend steered him into the direction of NaturalMedicine.ge and read his story and the natural results.
Don’t hesitate to contact us. Start restoring your health today!